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Bisson, I.-A., B. J. Ssebide, and P. P. Marra. 2015. Early detection of emerging zoonotic diseases with animal morbidity and mortality monitoring. Ecohealth 12:98-103. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-014-0988-x


L. K. Butler, L. Ries, I.-A. Bisson, T. J. Hayden, M. M. Wikelski and L. M. Romero. 2012. Opposite but analogous effects of road density on songbirds with contrasting habitat preferences. Animal Conservation DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1795.2012.00576.x


Bisson, I.-A., L. K. Butler, P. Kelley, J. Adelman, T.J. Hayden, L. M. Romero, M.C. Wikelski. 2011. Energetic response to human disturbance in an endangered songbird. Animal Conservation 14:484-491. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1795.2012.00576.x


Bowlin, M.S., I.-A. Bisson, J. Shamoun-Baranes, J.D. Reichard, N. Sapir, P.P. Marra, T.H. Kunz, D.S. Wilcove, A. Hedenström, C.G. Guglielmo, S. Åkesson, M. Ramenofsky, and M. Wikelski. 2010. Grand challenges in migration biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50:261-279.


Robinson, D., Bowlin, M., I.-A. Bisson, K. Thorup, R. Diehl, J. Shamoun-Barnes, T. Kunz, S. Mabey, J. Smith, and D. Winkler. 2010. Integrating concepts and technologies at the frontiers of animal movements. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 7:354-361 doi:10.1890/080179.


Holland, R.A., K. Thorup, A. Gagliardo, I.-A. Bisson, E. Knecht, D. Mizrahi, and M. Wikelski. 2009. Testing the role of sensory systems in the migratory heading of a songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology 212:4065-4071.


Bisson, I.-A., K. Safi, and R. A. Holland. 2009. Evidence for repeated independent evolution of migration in the largest family of bats.
PloS One 4(10): e7504. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007504.


Bisson, I.-A., P.P. Marra, E.H. Burtt, M. Sikaroodi, and P.M. Gillevet. 2009. Variation in plumage microbiota depends on season and migration. Microbial Ecology 58:212-220.


Butler, L. K., I.-A. Bisson, M. Romero, T. Hayden, M. Wikelski 2009. Adrenocortical responses to offspring-directed threats in two open-nesting birds. General and Comparative Endocrinology 162: 313-318.


Bisson, I.-A., L. K. Butler, M. Romero, T. Hayden, M. Wikelski. 2008. No energetic cost to human disturbance in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 276: 961-969. URL 10.1098/rspb.2008.1277.


Thorup, K., I.-A. Bisson, M. S. Bowlin, R. A. Holland, J. C. Wingfield, M. Ramenofsky, and M. Wikelski. 2007. Evidence for a navigational map stretching across the continental USA in a migratory songbird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104:18115-18119.


Bisson, I.-A., P.P. Marra, E.H. Burtt, M. Sikaroodi, and P.M. Gillevet. 2007. A molecular comparison of plumage and soil bacteria across biogeographic, ecological, and taxonomic scales. Microbial Ecology 54:65-81.


Burtt, E.H. Jr., V. Saranathan, and I.-A. Bisson. 2006. An ecosystem in feathers. Proceedings for the International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, Germany.


Ferrer, M. and I.A. Bisson. 2003. Age and territory-quality effects on fecundity in the Spanish Imperial Eagle. The Auk 120:180-186.


Bisson, I.A., M. Ferrer and D.M. Bird. 2002. Factors influencing nest-site selection by Spanish imperial eagles. Journal of Field Ornithology 73:298-302.


Bisson, I.A. and B.J.M. Stutchbury. 2000. Nest site selection and productivity by hooded warblers in a fragmented landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 858-863.


Bisson, I.A., B.J.M. Stutchbury, and D. Martin. 2000. Acadian flycatcher, Empidonax virescens, nest site characteristics at the northern edge of its range. Canadian Field Naturalist 114:689-691.

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