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Isabelle-Anne Bisson
My research is diverse but it gravitates around two main areas: conservation and migration biology. I study several aspects of organismal biology, ecology, and physiology all within the context of these two research areas from habitat ecology to avian microbiology and migration to conservation physiology and, finally and more recently, to disease ecology in the Congo Basin. I aim to understand our effects on wildlife and bridge the gap between humans and non-human animals.

Heart rate monitoring
White-eyed Vireo with heart rate transmitter

Heart rate monitoring in bats
Mexican free-tailed bat with heart rate transmitter

Infectious disease research
Monitoring sick and dead animals as an early zoonotic disease detection system, Uganda.

Avian microbiology
Sampling feathers to discover their hidden microbiota

Avian microbiology
Microscopic view of a feather

Animal Mortality Monitoring Program, Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area, Uganda

Heart rate telemetry project, Texas, USA.
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